What is a “Guide to Childbirth” Anyway?

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It seems to come in various forms. There is the “Your pregnancy week by week” or month by month… Or the “Knowing your Informed Choices” The “The Ultimate Guide to everything you need to know” and the “Holistic Guide to A More Natural Childbirth” and even ones that imply you are a Thinking Woman, they […]

Breastfeeding in Children’s Books?

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Mothering.com posted a fabulous list of children’s books earlier this year that included breastfeeding. It’s amazing to think that one to two generations of books wiped out all references to breastfeeding and incorporated bottlefeeding to the point where dolls and toys came with bottles GLUED or plastic-molded to the toy! My daughter still hasn’t forgiven […]

What if you opened a library and no one came?

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Welcome to the Birth Library! Have you ever done it? We’ve all done it. Bought books we had every intention of reading. Wanted books we couldn’t find or have easy access to without purchasing. We all live secret lives of knowledge we want but that simply… …sits on shelves, waiting for us. Waiting for our […]