These are in development. At this time, let’s just say I expect all books borrowed to be returned or paid for if not returned.
- You pay shipping up front to borrow a book. I only ship
- You return the book within 90 days or you purchase an extension for $5 a month.
- At the end of six months, you pay to replace the book if you have not returned it. This means that if it costs me $247 to replace the book, that’s what you are paying unless you find it cheaper and send it to me.
- You pay to ship the books back! USPS media mail is awesome!
Have you begun to notice that it may be cheaper to buy certain books on Amazon? Quite possibly! Please use my Amazon affiliate link to buy!
You agree to these terms and conditions if you ask to borrow a book.
Unicorns will cry if you break the rules. Narwhals will spontaneously combust. And Mt. Rainier will cover your home with ash while Yellowstone erupts. Get it? Return the books! accepts donations via Paypal and we accept donations of books. Please consider helping others by donating your potentially homeless books to be borrowed!
The list of all books on lending library are here:
- There is a reference section that is only available for use at the physical location of the Birth Library. This is called the “BirthLibrary Reference Collection” within the BirthLibrarian’s books on . If you are looking for information from one of these books and are not local, the Birth Librarian can help you with that with possibly scanning a limited amount of pages or giving you referential information.
Any questions? Email me!